

UNHCR works to ensure food security for those forced to flee their homes. 

UNHCR works to ensure that millions of displaced people have access to adequate food and clean water to safeguard their well-being and health. 

War and forced displacement are among the main culprits when it comes to worldwide malnutrition. 

Providing refugees with access to food is one of UNHCR’s top priorities; too often, people who flee arrive considerably weakened by the journey or crisis.  

Fighting malnutrition

Despite UNHCR's best efforts, malnutrition still threatens to affect the most vulnerable among the displaced, such as children. 

Figures speak for themselves: malnutrition is responsible for 45% of deaths among children under five. 

This is why UNHCR is working closely with the World Food Programme (WFP) to coordinate an effective response to the problem of malnutrition among displaced communities. 

The adverse effects of climate change 

Climate change very often worsens the impact of ongoing crises. 

On top of the violence and conflict people are trying to escape and survive, floods and draughts destroy their crops and livelihoods, putting them at high risk for malnutrition.